Human history, health and computation
The past decades have seen an exponential growth of direct-to-consumer genomics tests. One popular feature of these tests is the report of a distant ancestral inference profile—a breakdown of the regions of the world where the test-takers’ ancestors may have lived. While current methods and products generally focus on the more distant past (e.g., thousands of years ago), we have recently demonstrated that by leveraging network analysis tools such as community detection, more recent ancestry can be identified. However, using a network analysis tool like community detection on a large network with potentially millions of nodes is not feasible in a live production environment where hundreds or thousands of new genotypes need to be processed every day. In this study, we describe a classification method that leverages network features to assign individuals to communities in a large network corresponding to recent ancestry.
Peer-reviewed publications and patents
Knight SC, … AR Girshick*, EL Hong & CA Ball. COVID-19 susceptibility and severity risks in a cross-sectional survey of over 500,000 US adults. BMJ Open (2022) *corresponding author
COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative. A first update to mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature 608 E1-E10 (2022)
G.H.L. Roberts,...AR Girshick, E.L. Hong, C.A. Ball, K.A. Rand. Expanded COVID-19 phenotype definitions reveal distinct patterns of genetic association and protective effects. Nature Genetics (2022)
Horowitz, J.E., …AR Girshick, et al. Genome-wide analysis provides genetic evidence that ACE2 influences COVID-19 risk and yields risk scores associated with severe disease. Nature Genetics (2022)
COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative. Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature 600 472-7 (2021)
AR Girshick, L Ruiz, J Reese (2021) Photo composites. US patent application.
Anderson, AR Girshick, RE Curtis, B Wilson, DA Turissini. (2022) Characterizing heterogeneity with fine-scale population structure. US patent.
AR Girshick et al (2019) Estimation of phenotypes using DNA, pedigree, and historical data. US patent application.
RE Curtis, AR Girshick, AH Anderson (2019) Filtering genetic networks to discover populations of interest. US patent application.
Zhang, M, JM Granka, THL Nguyen, AR Girshick, H Arbel (2019). Phenotype trait prediction with threshold polygenic risk score. US patent application.
Curtis, RE, AR Girshick. Estimation of Recent Ancestral Origins of Individuals on a Large Scale. Proc Int’l Conf on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). 1417-25. (2017) [VIDEO]